Monday, March 12, 2012

FofTFC Event report

OK, Rob Scott  has  scurried  back  from Boots and getting his  film developed.

After a  glorious  afternoon the evening started with a reminder of  the roots of  "Friends  of TFC" 22  years ago by Fighter Log and long term volunteer Ken Gray.

Then we  moved  up a  gear  literally  with Robin Richardson part of the  original Thrust  SSC team, who provided a gripping presentation  with many pictures  from his own  collection of a unique achievement.

This was quickly  followed  by Jim Mackonochie taking us  through the history of flight  simulation in the professional  and gaming world - right  up to a  demonstration by Chris  Ellis of the  virtual Red Arrows  viewing the  soon to  be  released TFC  P51  flight  simulaton.

Time then for a  breath of outside  air, Brian Smith at the  controls of  EP120

Then the raffle with the 1st  prize  of a  Gold Pass, The  Prize winner  seen here   talking to Neville Williams one of our  guests for the  evening who  was also an ex Sea Fury pilot.

The evening finished off with  a  night shoot of   the Bearcat, Spitfire Mk V, and P-47.- I'm sure we will see  a  few  more pictures very  soon.  Thanks again to  Rob for the  photo diary of the  evening.

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