Friday, July 11, 2008

Where you all come from

This map is a plot of where all our vistors to the blog came from (click on it for a big version) - and that is just today! We have had in excess of 35,000 hits on the blog since we started at the end of June (we can't tell you exactly as we broke the counter twice). A really big thank you to everyone who has helped make this a fantastic journey.

Thanks to all the people who have sent in Pictures, Video, Information. The guys at TFC, Greg for cryptic e-mails, a big thanks to PR for the engineering stuff, even taking time when snowed under with the CAA stuff. Thanks to Ken for sorting out details and facts, never my strong point!

Thanks to everyone in the hangar and around the aircraft who have had to put up with cameras being poked at them and stupid questions asked when they were trying to make aeroplanes fly. We didn't know where the blog would go when we launched it - I hope it has been useful to you. We will try and do something more over the week end and Monday but no guarantees on that one!

Hope you all enjoy the weekend and the aeroplanes - Have a good one, Chris


Rick said...

I check the blog 2 or 3 times a day, it's like sticking your head around the tearoom, sorry, "crewroom" door & asking what you lot have been up to today.

Unknown said...

Loved it I also look in all the time (and call sickies at work based on what is writen).

I wont know what to look at when Legends is over.

Thanks very much for doing this.